Diversity in the workplace is gaining importance not only in Poland.

Teams diverse in terms of gender, age, background, or skills achieve higher results, introduce more innovative solutions, and better understand customer needs.
Market examples show that diversity is not just a trendy slogan but a strategy that brings real benefits. Companies that invest in inclusivity gain a competitive advantage and create more satisfying workplaces.
At GLP, we believe in the power of diversity and actively support it. Our goal is to create a work environment where everyone – regardless of identity, gender, abilities, background, and traits – is accepted and appreciated.✌
Join us, share your experiences, and together let's build the most inclusive software house in the Polish job market!
In the photo from left: Eugene Kushal, Mbuke Jiduta, Paweł Molski, Julia Klinge, Grzegorz Gałuszka, Raphael Zellah

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Diversity in the workplace is gaining importance not only in Poland.